
Oudayas Rabat

The Kasbah des Oudayas dates from the 12th century in Rabat, Morocco. It has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2012. This Kasbah is a symbol of Rabat’s rich past.

This site combines a former military past, a royal palace and a place of residence for artists. With these unique traits, it offers an unforgettable experience to visitors.

Introduction to the Kasbah des Oudayas

The Kasbah des Oudayas is located at the mouth of the Bouregreg river. It shows the rich heritage of Rabat. This majestic and beautiful place welcomes visitors with Almohad architecture.

People can see the Bab Al-Kabir Gate there. It stands high, offering incredible views of the Atlantic and Bouregreg.

History and origins of the Kasbah des Oudayas

The Kasbah des Oudayas is a place rich in history, located in Rabat. It was established in the 12th century by the Almoravids . This fortress played a key role, reflecting the diversity of the people and cultures of the region.

Beginnings under the Almoravids

It began as a simple fort in 1120 thanks to the Almoravids . This place had a strategic view of trade and protected against invasions. Its location, at 34° 01′ 55″ N, 6° 50′ 10″ W, was perfect for this.

Transformation under the Almohads

The Almohads extended it in the 12th century to make it a military camp. Large monuments, such as the Almohad walls and the Jamaa el Atiq Mosque, were added. This expansion reinforced its strategic role, particularly during the conquests in Andalusia.

Birth of the Republic of Bouregreg

After 1609, the Kasbah welcomed 2,000 refugees from Spain. This led to the formation of the Republic of Bouregreg in 1621. Known for its sailors and pirates, this republic lasted until 1647. Its reinforced ramparts bear witness to its crucial role at this time.

The stories of the Kasbah des Oudayas illustrate its evolution and its key role within different periods.

Notable monuments of the Oudayas

The Kasbah des Oudayas in Rabat has unique monuments. Each has a history and cultural value. Bab Al-Kabir and the Jamaa el Atîq Mosque stand out for their architecture and historical importance.

Bab Al Kabir

Bab Al-Kabir means “Great Gate” in Arabic. It is an Almohad masterpiece from the 12th century. Its massive structure, with patterns and calligraphy, is a jewel of Oudaya monuments . As the main gate, Bab Al-Kabir has protected the Oudayas Kasbah for centuries.

The Jamaa el Atîq Mosque

The Jamaa el Atîq Mosque , near Bab Al-Kabir, is famous in Rabat. It is simple and elegant, showing vast spiritual and historical richness. Despite its age, the Jamaa el Atîq Mosque remains a center of prayer for the community. This demonstrates the cultural and religious dynamism of this place.

The cultural importance of the Oudayas

The Kasbah des Oudayas is a key place in Rabat. It was the home of Alawite royalty and shows the history of Morocco. Here, ancient traditions are well kept, showing the true beauty of the place. oudayas flap cultural heritage

The Oudayas are a great source of inspiration for artists. They connect history and beauty, and host special events like National Crafts Week. During the 8th edition, many artisans showed their talent. These range from old works to new creations, showing the importance of craftsmanship here.

The Oudayas are revered for their role in cultural conservation. Thanks to this work, the artisanal organization has earned a lot of money, 11 billion dirhams in 2023. These figures show the positive influence of the Kasbah on Morocco.

Each corner of the Oudayas tells a part of the history of Morocco. This fortress isn’t just beautiful. It is a symbol of the rich cultural heritage of Rabat.

The Alaouite Palace

The Alaouite Palace is located in the heart of the Kasbah des Oudayas. It is considered the pinnacle of Morocco’s imperial architecture. The Alawite dynasty had it built between 1757 and 1789. This shows the diverse and rich history of Rabat. Its construction marked the beginning of the royal family’s projects. The palace shows the grandeur and influence of the era.

Construction by the Alaouite dynasty

The construction of the Alaouite Palace marked a turning point for the Oudayas Kasbah. Thanks to the Alawite sovereigns, a first royal palace was created. This strengthened the position of Rabat as imperial capital. The architectural details of this era bear witness to the finesse and ingenuity of the Alawite dynasty.

The palace today

Today, the Alaouite Palace welcomes visitors who want to learn more about its history. You can walk through its large rooms and admire its architecture. This construction in the Kasbah des Oudayas allows you to better understand royal life before. It also helps preserve the heritage of the Alaouite dynasty, showing its continued influence on Morocco.

The Andalusian garden of Oudayas

The Andalusian garden of the Oudayas is a haven of peace, also known as the garden of the Andalusians . It was designed by a French architect in 1920. This garden is inspired by Andalusian designs, with olive and orange trees.

Despite more water, the water wheel in the garden retains all its charm. You will also find Solandra grandiflora , a plant from Mexico. It is often seen in the Côte d’Azur region.

In this garden, there is sometimes botanical confusion. Datura and Brugmansia plants look similar. Brugmansia candida grow there like beautiful bushes. On the other hand, in the Kasbah des Oudayas , they can exceed 3 to 4 meters. This creates a beautiful, peaceful place to explore.

This magical place attracts those who love nature and history. It has become a special place to visit for everyone who wants to see the Kasbah des Oudayas and appreciate its beauty.

Cultural events in Oudayas

The Kasbah des Oudayas offers unique cultural events. The Oudayas Summer Festival , for example, took place from July 27 to 30. It was under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI. This festival brought together local and international artists to celebrate cultural diversity.

Oudayas Summer Festival

This festival is an extraordinary celebration of art. During the festival, Said Mosker received a renowned award. Famous artists like Nasr Mégri were present. The international group Tyour Gnaoua even won an award for their performance.

The musical program was varied. There was Bollywood dancing and traditional Atlas dances. Chrifa, an Amazigh diva, was also rewarded. This shows the richness of the culture put forward.

Artistic events

Apart from the Oudayas Summer Festival , other cultural events enliven the place. An exhibition presented works by Rabat artists and unique objects. It brought together creators and master craftsmen.

These artisans generated great income in 2023. At an exhibition they showed their unique works. A national crafts week also took place, highlighting its role in the preservation of Moroccan heritage.

Architecture and Andalusian influence

The Kasbah des Oudayas architecture clearly shows the Andalusian influence . It came into existence many centuries ago. It was a simple fort in the 12th century before becoming a kasbah under the Almohads . Thus, it has kept its true nature, with touches of this Spanish influence.

The white walls and touches of blue demonstrate this presence. The cobbled streets and ironwork add character. It reminds us of the villages of Andalusia. The well-kept and flowery houses show the beauty of this mixture of Moroccan and Andalusian architecture.

A remarkable example is that of the doors of the kasbah. They show a typical bent structure. This was a standard among the Almohads for city gates. This solidifies the cultural link between the Kasbah des Oudayas and Andalusia.

The Kasbah is protected against additions that would distort its character. The city became capital, thanks to Sultan Mohammed Ben Abdellah. This allows the heritage of this region to be kept intact, testimony to a strong Andalusian influence .

Why visit the Oudayas in Rabat

Visiting the Kasbah des Oudayas is a captivating journey into Morocco’s past. Since 2012, it has been on the UNESCO list. It was built a long time ago and now people from all over the world come to see it.

Rabat was called Salé until 1818. Now this is where the Kasbah des Oudayas is located. This part of the city, with its beautiful houses and its garden, has kept its fortress spirit.

You can walk the streets of this Kasbah, see pretty houses and a magnificent garden. Old buildings, like Bab El Kébir, show the rich history of this place.

There are also artists who find inspiration here. And to relax, many love the beach. It’s perfect for playing sand soccer or for beginners in surfing.

In short, the Kasbah des Oudayas is a marvel in Rabat. You can learn lots of things there, see superb views, and feel a unique atmosphere.


The Kasbah des Oudayas is a historic jewel of Rabat. This is where we discover centuries of culture and tradition. From the 12th century until its recognition by UNESCO in 2012, it has always impressed.

It played many roles, from a fort against the Berghouata tribes to an Almohad military base. The latter used it during their conquests in Spain.

In 1609, the Kasbah saw the arrival of the Moriscos expelled from Spain. They formed a new state, the Republic of Bouregreg, thus enriching its history. Later, from 1757 to 1792, the Alaouite dynasty worked on its beautification.

Today, the Kasbah is recognized for its historic buildings. There are gems like the Bab Oudaya gate and the Jamaa el Atiq mosque. But also for its warm atmosphere and its role in the cultural life of Rabat with the Festival Été des Oudayas . It currently accommodates nearly 2,000 inhabitants, offering a unique blend of history and modernity.

Visiting the Kasbah des Oudayas means immersing yourself in the history of Rabat. Each corner tells a story, offering a real journey through time. This is where Moroccan culture unfolds. It is an essential place for those who want to discover the essence of Rabat and its hidden beauties.


What is the Kasbah des Oudayas in Rabat?

The Kasbah des Oudayas is an ancient fortress. It dates from the 12th century. It has been a UNESCO classified site since 2012.

What is the history of the Kasbah des Oudayas?

It was built by the Almoravids , then enlarged by the Almohads. Over time, she had several important roles. For example, serving as a military headquarters.

What are the notable monuments of the Kasbah des Oudayas?

Two of the major sites are Bab Al-Kabir and the Jamaa el Atîq Mosque . They represent the history and spirituality of the Kasbah.

What is the cultural importance of the Kasbah des Oudayas?

It is a place rich in culture, hosting artistic festivals. She continues to inspire local artists.

What is the Alaouite Palace?

The Alaouite Palace was built by the royal family between 1757 and 1789. It shows the splendor of the Alawite dynasty. Today it is open to visitors.

What is the Andalusian garden of the Oudayas?

This garden was created in the 20th century. It mixes styles from Spain and Morocco. Visitors appreciate its peaceful beauty.

What are the architectural influences of the Kasbah des Oudayas?

The Kasbah presents an architecture marked by Spain. Its design is reminiscent of Andalusia, but remains authentically Moroccan.

Why visit the Kasbah des Oudayas in Rabat?

Going there allows you to delve into the history of Morocco. There are magnificent gardens and superb views. It is a perfect place for a cultural discovery.

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